Conscious that the industry market of thermal and acoustic insulation is increasingly competitive, in what concerns to the requirements and expectations of the customers, as well as the environmental requirements, we decided to guide our operation based on a set of principles and guidelines:
- We believe that Quality is fulfilled when we have satisfied customers and faithful to the products manufactured by TERMOLAN.
- We consider that we have achieved the excellence on Environmental Performance and Environmental Protection, whitin the scope of the of the adoption of the Best Available Techniques for the Sector (BAT), aligned with the Environmental Licensing and the compliance of all the legal and regulatory requirements applied and subscribed by TERMOLAN.
- We assume that Quality is only perceived by everyone when we comply with accuracy the statutory and regulatory requirements of our customers.
- We spread our Quality and Environmental System, committing all the employees, suppliers and other stakeholders to our organization.
- We recognize that Quality and Environment can be progressively improved when we effectively seek the causes of the problems / potential problems and act accordingly on them.
- We obtain the valorization of Quality and Environment, when we reduce the costs resulting from waste.
Assuming the Quality and the Environment as a management tool, the General Board is committed to the challenge of maintaining and continuously improving a Quality and Environment system according to the requirements derived from NP EN ISO 9001 and NP EN ISO 14001.
The General Board.